Sunday, April 1, 2012

Easy Christmas Craft for Preteen Girls


My Sunday school class of fourth and fifth grade girls wanted to make these bracelets for one of our craft projects.  I was surprised at the creative ideas and combinations they came up with.

This makes a nice, easy Christmas craft that they can give to their friends as gifts, and make for themselves also.


Christmas colors of exaggeration thread


Instructions for a three-strand bracelet

1.  select three colors of exaggeration thread.

2.  Have your daughter or learner hold the thread to her left shoulder and pull a distance out to the end of her right hand.  This gives an approximate distance to start with.

3.  Using that shore as a pattern, cut two more pieces of thread.

4.  Tie a knot at one end to hold the three strands together.

5.  In our classroom, the girls used masking tape to hold the knotted end to the table while they worked on the bracelet.

6.  Now, they can be as creative as they wish.  Some may know how to do more explain knots.  Or they can simply braid the three strands.  It's a good ideas to check the size once in a while to get the spoton size for their wrist without being too loose or too tight.

7.  When it is the right size, a strong knot is tied at the end of the braiding or knotting to derive it.  Tie a knot from the last end to the first one that was taped.  Cut off the excess, and enjoy the bracelet.

For a Thicker Bracelet

If your daughter would like a thicker bracelet, corollary the same steps for measuring the exaggeration thread, except cut nine pieces.  Again, tie a knot at the top and tape it to a table.

Now, divide the nine strands into groups of three, and braid with three strands at a time.  Some of my students did a combination of braiding and plain knotting.  This had a pretty effect.  Even petite beads could be put in the middle of the knotting and the braids if they would like that.

Check often for the wrist size.  When finished, tie off the same as before.

Easy Christmas Craft for Preteen Girls

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